NHS Assembly

The NHS Assembly brings together a range of individuals from across the health and care sectors at regular intervals to advise the board of NHS England on delivery of the NHS Long Term Plan (LTP).

The Assembly membership brings broad stakeholder insight and frontline experience to discussions, serving as a “guiding coalition” on implementation of the improvements outlined in the plan.

The Assembly is not itself responsible for LTP implementation and nor does it cut across the current statutory accountabilities of NHS England.


The NHS Assembly has developed an independent report: The NHS in England at 75: priorities for the future. Read more about NHS@75 and how this report will help the NHS, nationally and locally, respond to long term opportunities and challenges.

Aspirations for the Assembly Act as a voice for the system and wider partners in driving delivery of Long Term Plan; Tackle the difficult conversations, focusing on how to make the stated ambitions in the LTP a reality, Be a sounding board for informing policy at an early stage of development, Hep identify where there are blockages to implementing innovations, Model compassionate and positive leadership with members acting as ambassadors for the plan, Focus on people not organisations always keep the needs of patients and services at the heart of deliberations, Draw on wider perspectives and evidence to help support the above.