1. A comprehensive new workforce implementation plan
4.8. NHS workforce planning will always be complex and never an exact science, whether led nationally, regionally, or But we must ensure plans work locally and add up nationally. Workforce plans need to be highly adaptive over the next ten years, and attentive to both the detail and the wider context.
4.9. Our aim is to ensure a sustainable overall balance between supply and demand across all staff groups. For doctors, we will focus on reducing geographical and specialty imbalances. For the wider workforce, we aim to ensure sufficient supply of nurses and to address specific shortages for AHPs and other key groups.
4.10. The funding available for additional investment in the workforce, in the form of training, education and continuing professional development (CPD) through the HEE budget has yet to be set by government. A workforce implementation plan will therefore be published later in 2019. NHS Improvement, HEE and NHS England will establish a national workforce group to ensure that such workforce actions agreed are delivered quickly. This will include the new NHS Chief People Officer, the NHS National Medical Director, the Chief Nursing Officer and the other Chief Professions Officers. The group will show how the future challenges can be addressed for the total workforce, as well as looking at each group individually. The group will also include our first ever Chief Midwifery Officer, along with representatives from staff side organisations, the Social Partnership Forum, Royal Colleges, The King’s Fund, Health Foundation and Nuffield Trust.