Posts by Dr Noel Baxter

Dr Noel Baxter is a GP in Southwark, London. He has been the respiratory champion there for the last 10 years, working with both primary and secondary care colleagues within a population based integrated respiratory service. He is also Clinical Director for Quality and Service Improvement at NHS Southwark CCG.
He is the Executive Chair of the Primary Care Respiratory Society (PCRS) and is a clinical advisor to the British Lung Foundation. He recently led the primary care workstream of the Royal College of Physicians’ asthma and COPD audit in England and Wales and was a member of the recent National Institute of Clinical and Care Excellence clinical guideline group for asthma management.
Passionate about tobacco harm, Dr Baxter is a member of the board of trustees for Action on Smoking in Health (ASH) and recent co-lead of the London respiratory strategic clinical network from 2010 -16 and the London Clinical Senate ‘Helping smokers quit’ delivery team programme.