Helping develop the NHS Long Term Plan
As part of the process of developing the NHS Long Term Plan, we have sought to ensure that all those who benefit from and work in or alongside the NHS have the opportunity to contribute their ideas, experiences and insights.
Our online call for views which ran from the 24 August to 30 September 2018, allowed members of the public, front-line NHS staff and the organisations that represent them to inform our policy development. More than 2,000 submissions were received through this portal from individuals and from groups representing the views of 3.5 million people; thank you to everyone who took the time to submit a response.
In figures
In addition to our online call for views, working groups, made up of local and national NHS leaders, clinical experts and patient representatives, have been working with relevant stakeholders on specific parts of the NHS Long Term Plan. Throughout September these working groups organised or attended over 150 meetings across the country, and received hundreds of submissions which have helped them draw up draft policy proposals for inclusion in the NHS Long Term Plan.
The working groups are:
Life course programmes
- prevention and personal responsibility
- healthy childhood and maternal health
- integrated and personalised care for people with long-term conditions and the frail elderly (including dementia)
Clinical priorities
- cancer
- cardiovascular and respiratory
- learning disability and autism
- mental health
- workforce, training and leadership
- digital and technology
- primary care
- research and innovation
- clinical review of standards
- engagement
- funding and financial architecture
- capital and infrastructure
- efficiency and productivity
- local and national system architecture
Equality and Health Inequalities Impact Assessment
NHS England is subject to legal duties to address health inequalities and advance equality of opportunity. The Equality and Health Inequalities Impact Assessment (EHIA) explains how NHS England has considered and addressed these ‘equality duties’ in developing the NHS Long Term Plan.
Find out more
Read our December 2018 engagement update.
Read the stakeholder engagement report.